
My Dearest Appa

There are many things i want to tell you but lack of words and time distanced me from expressing myself. Today is a special day to me when I missed you so much than before.

 No matter what, You were always with me by my side. You always trusted me and made me what I am today. 

I remember the time we used to spend at the Marina Beach, getting wet in the waves, leaving footprints in sand, making sand castles, eating at Nala’s near Music Academy and the weekend film marathon at Pilot theatre.

You helped me finish my pending homework, aching imposition, driving me to school and still smiled at me. While i was busy sharing all stories of my work and accomplishment, i failed to listen to your stories — about your world.

You were disciplined, punctual and always enjoyed learning new things. Whenever i visited A.C.Tech, you taught me to appreciate the art and the beauty of Engineering through your simplest explanation that even to me as a child then, made everything joyful to experiment and learn.

When I spoke to your students today even after 40 years of their graduation, they remembered their favourite Prof.M.R.V and recollected your exceptional teaching skills, soft voice, pleasant demeanour, distinctly stylish walk and dapper dress sense in an otherwise matter-of-fact engineering college. One of your students said, 
“He used to address us Students as “Friends” and was the first professor who made us actually believe we were going to be engineers”.

You let me experiment with Life in my own way and pulled me up when fell. You always made me see things my way and then give your view point.

You also made me get angry with you and loved me more after that.You were always hardworking, courageous, trustworthy, dignified, honorable, inspirational, precious and of all my best friend.

Appa as I called him passed away today on 20th May 2018. May I be born again to him if there is a choice — Atleast i will have a second chance to improve myself.

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