
Good progress award 2021

Year end awards make kids feel feel special! Most schools have some sort of award program at the end of the year to recognize students for achieving their highest caliber in the area of they excel. 

2020 was a busy year for all kids including Rishab to learn online via Home Based learning. The role of a parent was to adapt to the changes to ensure the child enjoys learning without getting distracted. While it was easy to be at the comfort of your bed to listen to what the teachers had to teach, things are different when you have to take exams.

As time passed and schools reopened later in 2020, they had to keep up with the schedule of more home works, assignments and exams. 

 Looking back now, all the effort that went to giving it his best academically paid off when Rishab got a letter from School that he won the Good progress award.

Well done Rishab!







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