
The green things in nature

Things which are most important on earth are plants. When I was seven years old in 2018, my dream was to become a gardener. It was because I loved plants. My grandmother planted lots of plants such as  money plant, pumpkin plant, and more. By seeing this, I wanted to become a gardener like my grandmother.

When I turned eight, my father took me to a plant shop called nursery. After I got there, I was impressed by how many plants they had! my favorite kind of plants were flowering plants. As life moved on , insects started to bite me when I played in the park. I was very frustrated and complained this to my father and mother. They used insect repellent but the insects continued to bite me. 

One day, when I was watching something on YouTube, I discovered something there. guess what? It was a weird-looking plant, the outside was green, the inside was red. many insects started to go in the plant(the plant is like a mouth. there was trap like hairs too!) the plant shut its mouth quickly. the juice in the plant tore up the insect's body and killed it! then the plant opened up its mouth again. and in there, a dead insect! another kind of plant looked like a bottle of juice in it! when a ant/insect falls in, they drown in the juice and die.

Venus Fly trap

Nepenthes (Pitcher plant)

Now by seeing the description of that video, they told that these kind of plants are called ''carnivorous ''plants''. the plant name's was called the "Venus flytrap" and the ''pitcher plant'' . these plants captured my imagination and I was so excited to buy these plants!

Now, in this time of 2020, my father and I went to the plant shop nursery and got those two plants! In addition to those plants, we got a flowering plant, some soil for our plants to grow and some fertilizer. Once we got home, we placed our plants in the right place.

(week 1) November 4

potato seed germinating

tomato seed sprouted

(week 3) November 22

(week 3) November 26

(week 6) December 17

this is the video of all the plants my family had grown

As people in the whole world say this poem: if all plants die and nature banished from the earth, then we all die for the sake of our beloved green things; plants and good nature.
from now on, let us take care and respect nature.


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