There are lots of things that make a Father happy hearing his Child speak for the fist time. There are few things that makes him happier when the child learns and discovers "weird ideas that work".
Children are always fascinated by science. It makes things interesting, mystifying and deeply, deeply cool. With deep love for Science especially Physics, I introduced Rishab to the basics of Magnets, Electricity and Motors. There is no better way to know "How Things Work" than making it hands-on for the child to understand.
We finally made the video of his First science experiment on the day of his Grandparent's 42nd Wedding Anniversary.
Hope you enjoy this.
Children are always fascinated by science. It makes things interesting, mystifying and deeply, deeply cool. With deep love for Science especially Physics, I introduced Rishab to the basics of Magnets, Electricity and Motors. There is no better way to know "How Things Work" than making it hands-on for the child to understand.
We finally made the video of his First science experiment on the day of his Grandparent's 42nd Wedding Anniversary.
Hope you enjoy this.