
Piano Grade 2

Music has been described as being meditative and peaceful, soothing the soul, returning to center, filling their space with hope and inspiration. Playing Piano is one of Rishab's favorite way to spend his time. 
Learning the instrument for the last 4 years , we pushed him to take Grade2 exams via Con Brio examinations in 2020.

While still in Grade 2 , this level explores repertoire that develops the foundation of music and technique. This level will require candidates to demonstrate good posture and healthy tone production. Music for this level consists of pieces commonly featured in methodology books that cover simple rhythms and melodic material for developing co-ordination.

In the month of November, Rishab practised the exam pieces with enthusiasm and fine tuned his areas of improvement with his Teacher Jesslyne. In 2020, when most learning in the world moved to online learning, exams were also conducted the same way. 

On 20th November , the effort from Rishab and his Teacher showed its result. Congratulations ! 

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